KCACTF3 > DTM > Event Registration > Design Storm Project

 Design, Technology, and Management Event Registration

 Design Storm Project Application

Note: File upload links for additional materials, if applicable, will be sent with the confirmation email after completing each form.

DTM Design Storm Virtual
Resident Address
Resident Address
Street Address
Apt, Suite, etc.
Is this your first time attending KCACTF?
Is this your first time presenting at KCACTF?

Design Storm!

Designers, Directors and Dramaturges, Would you like to take part in Design Storm? Work with a team of other students and share ideas during the festival to develop a production presentation for an assigned script?

Yes or No

Designers, Directors, Dramaturgs:

Please indicate your top two choices of areas in which you would like to participate.

Please indicate your top three choices of shows to work on.

Registration Submission

I give my permission for images of my work to be used for publicity purposes of promoting KCACTF both regionally and nationally, including on web pages, in publications, and in KCACTF exhibits, and other instances deemed necessary by KCACTF.

Permission for Use

Note: File upload links for additional materials, if applicable, will be sent with the confirmation email after completing each form.